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Framing of Damages Determines Duty to Defend in Recent New York Case

A New York appellate court recently upheld a supreme court ruling that an insurer had a duty to defend a manufacturer’s faulty workmanship where it resulted in third party property damage.  I.J. White Corp. v. Columbia Cas. Co., 2013 NY

Posted in Duty to Defend, Food Manufacturer, Insurance Coverage, Liability Policy, Occurrence, Property Damage

Minnesota’s “Impairment of Function and Value” Test Determines Whether Recalled Food Constitutes Property Damage

We often associate food recalls with harmful and contaminated products but manufacturers actually issue recalls for a variety of reasons.  Companies sometimes issue recalls because of suspected, but not confirmed, contamination or other quality control issues.  Other times, they issue

Posted in "Impaired Property" Exclusion, "Product Recall" Exclusion, "Your Product" Exclusion, Food and Drug Administration, Food Manufacturer, Food Recall, Food Safety, Insurance Coverage, Liability Policy, Policy Exclusions, Property Damage
Cozen O’Connor has a national team of attorneys experienced in handling food contamination and product recall coverage matters related to first-party, third-party and specialty policies. The firm also developed a Food, Beverage & Nutritional Products Industry Team to provide advice and counsel to a wide range of companies connected directly and indirectly to the food and beverage industry.
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