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Supreme Court Rejects Class Action Plaintiff’s Stipulation of Damages to Avoid Federal Court

The United States Supreme Court handed class action defendants a major victory today in the case of Standard Fire Insurance Co. v. Knowles (Supreme Court opinion available here). The Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA) gives federal district courts

Posted in Class Action, Class Action Fairness Act, Class Certification

“All Natural” Food Labeling Claims Trending in California

New Year’s resolutions may already be waning but consumers continue to purchase foods and beverages bearing the “All Natural” labels in an effort to eat healthier.  The only food trend hotter than buying “Natural” foods and beverages is suing the

Posted in "All Natural", California, Class Action, Class Certification, False Advertising, Food and Drug Administration, Food Manufacturer, Genetically Modified Organism, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Labeling Claims, Standing, Sugar Substitutes
Cozen O’Connor has a national team of attorneys experienced in handling food contamination and product recall coverage matters related to first-party, third-party and specialty policies. The firm also developed a Food, Beverage & Nutritional Products Industry Team to provide advice and counsel to a wide range of companies connected directly and indirectly to the food and beverage industry.
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