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Sunland Salmonella Saga Provides a Window to FDA Enforcement

A new year is here, and the food industry remains in a sort of regulatory limbo.  Between the FDA’s delay in releasing regulations under the implementation deadlines set forth in the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and inadequate funding from

Posted in Food Safety, Food Safety Modernization Act, Insurance Coverage

FDA Announces 100k Genome Project

The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are collaborating with the University of California Davis and Agilent Technologies, a chemical analysis/engineering company from Santa Clara, California, to sequence the genetic codes of 100,000 types of lethal

Posted in Food Safety, Food Safety Modernization Act

FDA Delays Enforcement of the Food Safety Modernization Act

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was enacted in January 2011 to increase the safety requirements for food facilities, as well as the FDA’s role in monitoring compliance with our food safety laws.  Ever since this ambitious (and necessary) overhaul,

Posted in Food Safety Modernization Act

Food Safety Act Loosens Standards for Government Seizures

THE SCOOP One of the most significant and talked about provisions of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) lies in section 206, “Mandatory recall authority,” which grants to the FDA for the first time the ability to mandate recalls. The

Posted in Food Safety Modernization Act
Cozen O’Connor has a national team of attorneys experienced in handling food contamination and product recall coverage matters related to first-party, third-party and specialty policies. The firm also developed a Food, Beverage & Nutritional Products Industry Team to provide advice and counsel to a wide range of companies connected directly and indirectly to the food and beverage industry.
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